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Visual Portfolio

It's the Banks, stupid!

I fully animated this video in After Effects for the non-profit campaigning organisation, Positive Money, to educate people on how banks work in the modern world.

How the US government works (or doesn't)

I made this animation in After Effects shortly after the 2019 Senatorial election in the US, to help explain how the US government works (or doesn't)


I made this as part of the 11 second club's March 2018 competition.

Non-Stop Action Logos

These are two logos I animated for the kid's activity camp "Non-Stop Action"

Non-stop Action Dancer


Granny Tossing / ASS news

A cute little video I made at Uni, which ended up winning a silver award in an international competition held by Sun-Yat Sen University in China.

Featured Work: Featured Work
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